Now add 35,000 square feet of medical offices and 137 parking places just to the left in Steve's picture. You're going to have to leave home a lot earlier and probably thread your way through residential neighborhoods. Commuters on N. Elm will face the same deteriorated situation.
Cornwallis Elm LLC seems to have no respect for the neighborhoods they plan to damage with their ill-conceived attempt to recover a bad investment. The apparently have no respect for the thousands who pass through the intersection either.
Speculative investments don't warrant rewards. Do you think the Zoning Commission and City Council will bail out Cornwallis Elm LLC?
Tired of traffic, bad development and bailouts? Tell the Commission and Council.
you can add for them to bring back Protest Petitions to Greensboro as well, here some information on this issue also. This is a prime example of developers creeping in to established neighborhoods.